Monday, September 21, 2020

What is the Modernized Role of Scrum Masters

The 15th episode of 5 Minutes with @NYIke focuses on the modernized role of the scrum master. 

Modernized Scrum Master Role

The role needs recasting. Ten years ago, scrum masters were the experts on agile methodologies and charged to coach teams through the process. That's still needed for newly formed teams or to help new employees/teammates that have never been on scrum teams before. But today, many people working on agile teams and with scrum probably have some experience with it already.

And therein lies some new challenges. In the StarCIO Agile Planning course and certification, I state many times, "Every organization is different." There's no one "right" way to practice agile and scrum, so I offer guides and not overly structured frameworks. With many people in an organization having different experiences, backgrounds, and training on scrum, it requires the organization to have people responsible for guiding teams on process and standards.

So in this week's episode, I lay out my thesis on the scrum master role. Watch below:

Further Reading on the Scrum Master Role

Here are links to the posts I mention in the video:

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