Monday, December 10, 2018

How are you rewarding top performers in digital transformation, data science, agile, and devops programs?

Are you leaving it to HR and once a year performance reviews as your primary way to recognize good performance? Or are you seeking formal and informal ways to let your key employees know they are a good job.

Recognition can come in many forms. For example, it's been a great couple of weeks for me on receiving recognition. Enterprise Mobility Exchange listed me as their top digital transformation expert on Twitter along with Sarbjeet Johal, Evan Kirstel, and Tamara McCleary. Earlier in the week, Thinkers360 listed me in their top 20 global thought leaders in big data along with experts Sandeep Raut, Daniel Newman, Tripp Braden, and others.

But what about your employees that are coding their way to the newest application, pounding away at ci/cd pipelines, pulling their hair out trying to find insights in the newest data sets, or experimenting with the latest AI, blockchain, and IoT technologies?

We say, "Celebrate the wins" but are you?

Earlier this week, I moderated the #IdgTechTalk (most Thursdays at 12pm ET) on "Building an Expert Data Analytics Team" sponsored by PureStorage and asked the following question:

And here was my answer

Simple ways to reward top IT performers

 So here is my list of suggestions on rewarding employees

  • Get away from stereotyped names and titles
  • Financial compensation and other benefits are very important, but not sufficient
  • Top performers want a reasonably defined working process (aka agile) and thrive on self-organization
  • Say thank you over and over again
  • Take an interest in what they are doing. Learn from them
  • Ask genuine questions of interest. And pay attention to the answers
  • Communicate! Let them know how their work is impacting business and customers
  • Encourage them to attend and speak at conferences
  • Announce a peer suggested, "Engineer of the week"
  • Find simple ways to celebrate every release

Here are some other ideas from participants:

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