Monday, July 29, 2019

Driving Digital 2025: Reaching Enterprise Agility [Video]

I've started sharing insights from my keynote, Driving Digital 2025.

I am writing and speaking about what leaders have to do today to drive transformation over the next five years.

In my book, Driving Digital, I covered the base platforms and practices that drive transformation. They include

  • Driving agile transformation with continuous planning
  • Establishing platform architectures and a devops culture
  • Realigning technology investments with agile portfolio management
  • Leading a data-driven organization
  • Establishing digital strategy, product management, and innovation
  • Changing the culture

In my newest material, I'm covering the next leadership areas. How do you set agile principles and operating principles? Where do you find winning AI experiments? What is proactive data governance, and how should IT leaders kickoff this initiative?

Thanks to nGage Events for recording the keynote which you can see below. You can find other recordings from the event on their youtube channel.

I haven't published the slides yet. If you're interested in them, sign up for the Driving Digital Newsletter, and I'll be letting subscribers know how to see them soon. 

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