Monday, November 11, 2019

Becoming a Transformational CIO from the Best CIO Blog on the Planet!

Every once and a while I receive recognition and participate in a webinar that's worth sharing here with everyone.

First, I'm very proud that this blog, Social, Agile, and Transformation was recently listed as the #1 blog for CIOs and a top blog on agile software development.

I've been writing on these topics for over a decade here on this blog, on, on InfoWorld, and on several other publications. The best way to keep up with all my writing is through the Driving Digital Newsletter which I send monthly with updates on all my writing.

Becoming a Transformational CIO

This week, I'd like to share with everyone a special CXOTalk webinar on the CIO Playbook: Become a Transformational CIO moderated by Michael Krigsman and co-panelist Tim Crawford.

Some of my favorite quotes from this webinar:

  • "It's clear to see that there is a certain CIO persona that's going away and another CIO persona that is absolutely starting to come up." - Tim Crawford
  • "Out KPIs are really about how we're moving the organization forward, how our revenue is changing from legacy revenue to more digital revenue streams, and how we're impacting customers." - Isaac Sacolick
  • "The CIO today needs to be a business leader first that happens to have responsibility for technology. How do I align myself in such a way with the CEO such that I, as the CIO, know which technologies I can bring to the conversation to really catapult and help advance those business objectives?" - Tim Crawford
  • "What we're talking about is bringing new capabilities to an organization often going across silos of the organization, so now they have to collaborate and work together. We're shedding some behaviors that we can now automate and bring new capabilities and new data and analytics. That changes the way everybody in the organization actually works." - Isaac Sacolick
  • "The traditional CIO, that role is dead.  The transformational CIO is in demand. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of folks that exhibit those traits." - Tim Crawford

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