Monday, December 21, 2020

Celebrating 100+ Posts by Revealing the Elephant in the Room

What a week and what a year. I think we're all looking forward to a quiet and peaceful holiday. I think many of us are happy and hopeful about flipping the calendar to 2021. While experts warn us about a difficult few months ahead of us, I think we're all eyeing the days when we feel safe, when we can break bread with family, enjoy a toast with friends, fly to our favorite destinations, and feel human again.

Please stay healthy and safe. Happy Holidays!

Now for this week's exciting news, and, revealing the elephant in the room on your 2021 digital transformation plans.

The 101 Top Digital Transformation Priorities of 2021 by Isaac Sacolick

New Agile and Transformation Products from StarCIO

Allow me to indulge in one personal celebration. While some of my work had to take a backseat in 2020, I was able to accelerate other endeavors. 

  • I finished writing my second book but am still looking for a new publisher. Referrals welcome!
  • We launched three StarCIO Agile Courses - one for stakeholders, a second for agile team members, and a third to certify agile product managers, product owners, delivery leads, technical leads, and scrum masters as a StarCIO Agile Planner.
  • At StarCIO, we formalized the methodologies behind our Driving Digital Assessments and virtualized our Driving Digital Workshops.
  • I launched 5 Minutes with @NYIke channel on YouTube and shared eighteen episodes in digital transformation, product management, agile management, DevOps, data practices, and culture change. Please subscribe to the channel!
  • While conferences went virtual, I finished the year with forty events that I keynoted, presented, moderated, and paneled. 

100+ Articles: Agile, DevOps, Machine Learning, and More!

But what I'm most proud of is writing over 100 articles on blog posts, here on this blog, at InfoWorld, and on several world-class websites. Just over the last two weeks, I shared the following articles:

Here is a chart showing my 2020 posts and articles:

2020 Articles by Isaac Sacolick in Agile, CIO, DevOps, ITSM, Digital Transformation, LowCode, Data Science, Data Governance, AI

Thank you to all of you who read and enjoy my writing. Thank you to all the editors! Stay tuned because next month, I will publish my top articles of 2020. And please remember that the best way to stay on top of all my writing is through my monthly Driving Digital Newsletter.

And Now, The Elephant in the Room

Now before I sign off for 2020, I want to make sure you saw my latest episode of 5 Minutes with @NYIke

In this episode, I call out the elephant in the room. You know all those hours spent planning 2021's priorities and roadmaps that go out to 2024? The ones that sign up the digital and IT teams to five times the number of initiatives than what the team can legitimately complete? The beautiful presentation that accompanies those roadmaps that make all the organization's stakeholders happy to see their projects listed and prioritized? The ones where most initiatives are nothing more than one line ideas?

What five minutes more on Episode 18 of 5 Minutes with @NYIke on Transforming the Fairytale Roadmap. Then stay tuned because, in 2021, I'll offer solutions. And please reach out to me if you'd like to chat! Happy Holidays!

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