Win with GenAI: How to Surpass Productivity Drivers and Energize Digital Transformation

Remember the excitement when robotic process automation (RPA) became mainstream? Enthusiasts were excited to band-aid integrations over legacy systems and automate complex data entry forms to improve productivity and quality. Many organizations realized these benefits and saw an ROI from RPA, but only a few translated them into true digital transformational impacts.  

Win with GenAI: How to Surpass Productivity Drivers and Energize Digital Transformation

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AWS Reveals Three Impressive Tenets of its Gen AI Strategy

 Amazon took several more big steps into the gen AI and LLM battlefield, making several big announcements at last week’s AWS Summit New York. It should be no surprise that Amazon will continue to drive AI innovations, given that AWS is the market leader in cloud computing services, with a 31% market share and a $100B annual run rate.

AWS Reveals Three Impressive Tenets of its Gen AI Strategy

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10 Questions on Leading Gen AI and Driving Digital Transformation

I recently recorded an episode of the Politely Pushy podcast with Eric Chemi, sponsored by Bospar. We discussed how to make digital transformation a core competency, a favorite topic, and the heart of what I do at StarCIO.

10 Questions on Leading Gen AI and Driving Digital Transformation

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7 Ways Amazing Digital Trailblazers Can Market Their Team’s Success

June and July are ideal months to target major deployments and head into the summer with some breathing room to refresh, learn new skills, and plan to close the year with a bang.

But Digital Trailblazers know that following any major deployment comes the harder parts of leading change management programs to increase adoption, capturing end-user feedback, and promoting activities that drive business outcomes.

7 Ways Amazing Digital Trailblazers Can Market Their Team’s Success

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Why SaaS and Low-Code Need AI for Helpful Technical Support

 I use many SaaS tools, data, and automations to run different parts of StarCIO’s business. It’s a very technical and efficient operation, and it was all developed using no-code technologies.

If you’d like an example, watch my Driving Digital Standup video on How to Build Apps, Databases, and Integrations with Low-Code / No-Code Platforms. In the video, I demonstrated using Quickbase to manage a database of all my articles, feeding it with new content via RSS feeds using Zapier, and updating a Tableau dataviz of all my writing.

Why SaaS and Low-Code Need AI for Helpful Technical Support

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Breakthrough Low-Code: Four Platforms Champion GenAI, ML, and New Productivity Drivers

Go to four low-code conferences over a couple of months, and you learn a few things about how gen AI, machine learning, and productivity tools are shaping the world of all companies – from the largest enterprises to smaller businesses – and from mega enterprises in the financial service and insurance industries to medium-sized healthcare, manufacturing, and construction businesses.

Digital Trailblazer Advisory with Isaac Sacolick

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How Digital Trailblazer CIOs Avoid the Devastating ERP Upgrade

“CIOs loathe ERP upgrades” is how I opened my question at SAP Sapphire’s press conference after the day two keynote. It’s a sentiment I hear from CIOs and IT leaders, regardless of their organization’s ERP platform.

At the press conference, I asked SAP CRO Scott Russell and head of customer services & delivery  Thomas Saueressig to address the challenges CIOs face when upgrading last-gen ERP implementations.

How Digital Trailblazer CIOs Avoid the Devastating ERP Upgrade

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Pioneering Digital Transformation: Simplify from Industry 4.0 to Government

Manufacturing, construction, and government have a few things in common. These companies and institutions lag other industries in deploying technologies while having a key opportunity to connect the physical world with digital back-office workflows and develop actionable intelligence.

Pioneering Digital Transformation: Simplify from Industry 4.0 to Government

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12 Helpful Gen AI Strategies for Winning with Data Science

Every year, research reports cover the level of investment companies make in data science, the relatively small percentage of ML models that make it into production in front of customers, and the challenges in delivering ongoing business value. Even once data scientists successfully deploy models and deliver benefits, the complications of maintaining the models become an ongoing challenge.

12 Helpful Gen AI Strategies for Winning with Data Science

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10 Interview Questions for Digital Trailblazers: Find Amazing Candidates and Land Exciting Jobs

At a recent Coffee with Digital Trailblazers, several of us shared our favorite questions to ask Digital Trailblazers on interviews and how to prepare for them. I captured 20 key questions that job seekers should rehearse before their next interview and that leaders should use to separate the good from amazing candidates.

10 Interview Questions for Digital Trailblazers: Find Amazing Candidates and Land Exciting Jobs

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5 Decisive Questions to Ask Your Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP)

I’m a digital transformation, product, technology, and data/AI leader, but I don’t count information security as a top area of expertise. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about putting the sec into DevSecOps, how security platforms use AI to improve incident management, and why educating employees is the frontline of defending the business. But when it comes to prioritizing security risks, developing a roadmap, and overseeing security operations, I call in experts who can advise on strategy and lead implementations.

5 Decisive Questions to Ask Your Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP)

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Why Digital Trailblazers Must Be Paranoid In These Four Important Areas

My friends and colleagues know I can be paranoid sometimes, but it’s part of my survival instincts. When you’re driving transformation and responsible for operations, as I was for most of my career, you develop anxieties over what can go wrong, how it will impact your objectives, and whether you’re missing opportunities to address a material risk.

Why Digital Trailblazers Must Be Paranoid In These Four Important Areas

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Top Leadership Attributes of Really Successful Digital Trailblazers

At a recent Coffee with Digital Trailblazers, we discussed who are the right people to lead digital transformation initiatives in their organizations – leaders that I call Digital Trailblazers. I chose this topic as an extension to Chapter 8 of Digital Trailblazer, where I ponder the advice from boards of directors and CEOs on finding the right leaders to oversee the organization’s digital transformation initiatives.

From the discussion, we captured fifty attributes of Digital Trailblazers that I grouped into five competencies:

Digital Trailblazers Top Competencies and Attributes

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5 Keys to Develop Meaningful Relationships with Board Directors

Even if you’re not a C-level company executive, you might find opportunities to speak with board directors and develop a meaningful and valuable relationship with them. You may get lucky and have an opportunistic encounter, like running into a board director in your building’s elevator, at a charity event, or during a conference.

Are you prepared and confident to turn a chance encounter into a career-changing opportunity?

5 Keys to Develop Meaningful Relationships with Board Directors

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3 Ways Helpful CIOs and CHROs Can Drive Experimental Cultures

Ten years ago, it was less likely for CIOs and Digitial Trailblazers to form a partnership with their CHRO and human resources departments. At that time, IT was largely focused on run and grow initiatives with little focus on transformation – and the term digital transformation was in its infancy. Meanwhile, many employees perceived HR as untrustworthy and only sought their services to complete performance reviews, gain support for promotions, request approvals for new hires, and handle difficult employee situations.

3 Ways Helpful CIOs and CHROs Can Drive Experimental Cultures
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Should product managers and innovative agile teams measure business value?

How to measure business value is a question many agile teams ask me, given how much rigor I ask them to put into estimating and capturing story points. Should product managers and product owners have an equivalent responsibility to define a business value metric, use the metric for prioritization, and be held accountable for actual business value delivered versus estimated?

Should product managers and innovative agile teams measure business value?

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About Isaac Sacolick

Isaac Sacolick is President of StarCIO, a technology leadership company that guides organizations on building digital transformation core competencies. He is the author of Digital Trailblazer and the Amazon bestseller Driving Digital and speaks about agile planning, devops, data science, product management, and other digital transformation best practices. Sacolick is a recognized top social CIO, a digital transformation influencer, and has over 900 articles published at InfoWorld,, his blog Social, Agile, and Transformation, and other sites. You can find him sharing new insights @NYIke on Twitter, his Driving Digital Standup YouTube channel, or during the Coffee with Digital Trailblazers.