What is digital transformation in 2022 and on? What should be on your digital transformation roadmap, and how should this in-pandemic world impact your digital strategy?
I've been speaking about transformation leadership in several keynotes since September 2021and asking CIOs, CDOs (chief digital officers and chief data officers), and the digital leadership reporting to them to rewind and retrospect their strategies.
The last time business leaders had open canvases to define digital strategies was in 2018 and 2019 before the pandemic. In 2019, and 2020 most business and digital leaders redefined, pivoted, and communicated new strategies based on the pandemic's impacts. For most, that meant modernizing applications, supporting hybrid work, reimagining "safer" customer experiences, and adjusting to supply chain risks.
So here we are in 2022, and my question to every leader is, how did you redefine your digital transformation visions?
To help explain what's new, changed, and important in this in-pandemic world, I crafted a What is Digital Transformation 2.0 episode of 5 Minutes with @NYIke. It covers seven key considerations for adjusting your digital transformation strategies, priorities, and roadmaps. The video is embedded at the end of this post.
I also asked some experts for their opinions on this next wave of digital transformation.
Accelerate Digital Transformation Before Your Competitor
I promote one of the key digital transformation cultures - smarter, faster, safer, and innovative organizations.
Josh Stella, Founder & CEO at Fugue, hones in on the importance of speed and accelerating. "Time is not on your side when it comes to digital transformation, and you're not just in a race against other companies that are also struggling with their own transformation," he says. "You're up against companies that were born transformed, and they're already faster, more agile, and more innovative than you are. The sooner you digitally transform your organization, the sooner you will realize the full potential of your organization and its people -- and exceed customer expectations and win in today's marketplace."
Transform with Smarter Technology Implementations
Digital transformation is not about "moving to the cloud," modernizing applications, or automating workflows. But digital transformation requires modernizing experiences, becoming data-driven, and investing in your organization's future of work - and that requires technology!
And not just any technology. We certainly can't afford to create a new generation of technical debt, enterprise systems that don't integrate, or unsupportable proprietary apps.
Dr. Steele Arbeeny, CTO, SNP Group, agrees and says, "As the world evolves toward a truly holistic and innovative digital transformation 2.0, enterprises will need to find the right technology solution and the right solution provider to ensure their digital transformation projects are being driven by business processes and business enhancement strategies." Dr. Steele then provides this recommendation, "Software-driven, automated, and selective technologies that are less time- and resource-intensive, and ensure near-zero downtime, are going to be key to a successful Digital Transformation 2.0 execution that yields positive ROI."
Empower More People to Drive Transformation
Last year, I wrote a series of posts on culture change in digital transformation on winning over detractors, creating feedback loops, and using agile ways of working to accelerate digital transformation. Stay tuned because I will follow up more on becoming a digital trailblazer in 2022!
Welcome to 2022. Are you ready to accelerate digital transformation? Please watch my video below to learn more about what is digital transformation 2.0.
Thank you so much for sharing such an amazing blog